Friday, October 29, 2010

What's All the Tweet About?

We have all heard of Twitter by now, it is the new social networking hype. But did you also know that it can be used for hostage negotiation? Yes it sure can! The US State Department (Crowley) sent a birthday tweet to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "Happy birthday President Ahmadinejad," the first tweet reads. "Celebrate by sending Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer home. What a gift that would be. "The second tweet reads: "Your 54th year was full of lost opportunities. Hope in your 55th year you will open Iran to a different relationship with the world." Seriously, is this what our government is coming too? The world of technology is forever changing, but I do not think it should involve tweets of negotiation.

I cannot help to wonder if this could be true. I am left stunned and disappointed to the fact that our governing people could stoop that low. I tried to look for the original posting of the birthday message, but I had no such luck. There were several comments left by viewers like me, that just do not understand the "why" behind it. I think of Twitter as a way for everyday common people to communicate and have fun. I do not see it as a governmental tool to create conflict and more controversy. I believe it to be childish and selfish response to a very serious and deeply saddening issue. These men are part of somebody's family; they are friends to many and deserve respect.

This has definitely produced much social jargon and cannot help but wonder if it has anything to do with the forthcoming elections. This truly is a desperate cry for a popularity contest.


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