Friday, October 1, 2010

Unfinished Business

To summarize the article from USA Today ,Congress is adjourning this week. They will begin campaigning for reelection and leaving unsigned bills that have yet to be passed. Numerous bills, including one that will give the Food and Drug Administration higher levels of resources. These resources would include more staff and authority for public safety.Public safety dealing with nutritional benefits of the public should be at the highest concern of the American people.
The intent of this article is to inform the public of what goes on behind closed doors of the Congressional floor. It exposes the sad fact that lawmakers are more concerned with keeping their jobs than actually doing them.This author refers to a bill that was passed in the house but due to a filibuster in congress is stalled. These filibuster moves prevent important bills from getting through.This information is available to the general public. It is even broad casted on most television networks via cspan channels.
Agreeing with this column would lead followers into believing my views to be of a pessimistic nature also. I agree with them in the sense that more needs to be done about certain issues instead of sitting on them. But on the other hand, I think they are doing their best with what they have to work with. Newspapers post commentaries that are going to catch a person's eye, so they can draw them in, by doing this they can put in their biased comments. I think that we as the public should concentrate on what we could do to help, instead of blaming congress for not doing their jobs!

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