Monday, September 13, 2010

Poverty Numbers Rising

According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development the number of families  in homeless shelters has risen to 170,000 from 131,000 from the years 2007 to 2009.(Source, New York Times)
MSNBC believes this to be unfortunate timing for Obama's party, with elections just around the corner and the seat of Congressional control at stake.What does this mean for Democrats? Does the fall of economy have anything to do with who has Congressional control? The anticipated poverty level is suspected to rise to 15 percent from 13.2 percent. President Obama is dedicated to getting the economy back on it's feet. He stresses that if we can get the economy up we can increase the number of jobs and help poverty levels to decrease over time.

I did not realize how bad our poverty levels really were. I believe this article provides an eye opening experience for those like me, who are not well aware.

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