Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Health Care Crisis

As we approach the New Year , it's time for annual insurance review. I can't help but be grateful that my current job pays my health care premiums. Reading this article by Fox News leaves me to wonder just how much my insurance premiums would cost full price, since most jobs provide full-time employees insurance at a discounted rate. "The idea isn't to just raise revenue, economists say, but finally to turn Americans into frugal health care consumers by having them face the full costs of their medical decisions." This quote sends many negative thoughts through my mind. "Frugal" really! I sure hope that the government based health care in place before they "chop" the tax cut employers get now.
I am not entirely convinced that this idea is not just to raise revenue, but to force communities into government health care more quickly. By taking away the tax break for employers, employers will not be able to provide insurance for employees at a discounted rate. Many middle class society members live paycheck to paycheck and I am sure would not be able to give up one third or half of their paychecks to insurance premiums. The government claims that an incentive for employees would be higher pay. They say that since employers did not have to provide insurance them they could afford to pay the employees better. Talk about a slap in the face, we will pay you seventy-five cents more an hour, but now you have to buy your own insurance for you and your family. How's that for government support! Sounds to me like we do not have a choice anymore, like it or lump it.

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